Domestic Violence Shelters in Alameda County

AASRA (Asian Indian survivors)

Building Futures with Women and Children (BFWC)

24 hour Crisis Line 1-866-A WAY OUT (1-866-292-9688)

Emergency Shelter Program (ESP)

24 hour Crisis Line (888) 339-SAFE

Safe Alternatives to Violent Environments (SAVE)

24 hour Crisis Line 1-510-794-6055

Tri-Valley Haven

Crisis Line 1-925-449-5842 or 1-800-884-8119

Mobile Response Team (MRT)
24 hour crisis line for victims of domestic violence 510-757-5123

As a program of the Family Violence Law Center, the Mobile Response Team provides emergency assistance and advocacy to women and children in immediate danger of violence. The services available in this program include:

  1. 24-hour availability
  2. DV counselors available for crisis counseling, safety planning and emergency relocation to confidential location
  3. Next day follow-up providing shelter referrals and additional information

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