For Further Information

Asian Pacific Islander Institute on Gender-Based Violence
The Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence is a national resource center on domestic violence, sexual violence, trafficking, and other forms of gender-based violence in Asian and Pacific Islander communities. It analyzes critical issues affecting Asian and Pacific Islander survivors; provides training, technical assistance, and policy analysis; and maintains a clearinghouse of information on gender violence, current research, and culturally-specific models of intervention and community engagement. The Institute serves a national network of advocates, community-based service programs, federal agencies, national and state organizations, legal, health, and mental health professionals, researchers, policy advocates, and activists from social justice organizations working to eliminate violence against women.

East Bay Asian Pacific Islander Coalition to End Domestic Violence

The East Bay Asian and Pacific Islander Coalition to End Domestic Violence is a coalition representing a diverse network of Asian & Pacific Islander (API) organizations serving the API community. Coalition members include social service agencies, domestic violence advocacy organizations, domestic violence shelters, legal centers, health and mental health institutions and community members representing diverse API constituencies in the East Bay. The Coalition’s goal is immediate access to existing services and increasing the capacity of those services to competently serve Asian and Pacific Islander survivors of domestic violence. The Coalition is dedicated to addressing and preventing domestic violence in the API and Middle Eastern communities in the East Bay. Membership in the Coalition is by invitation. For further information, please contact Greg Tanaka or Isabel Kang.

Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community
The Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community (IDVAAC) is an organization focused on the unique circumstances of African Americans as they face issues related to domestic violence – including intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder maltreatment, and community violence. IDVAAC’s mission is to enhance society’s understanding of and ability to end violence in the African-American community. Within this context, IDVAAC works with African-American communities, including families, individuals, and organizations serving the target population; legal and criminal justice systems; family and community violence practitioners; researchers; and policymakers around efforts to build the knowledge base regarding African Americans and domestic violence and to develop strategies to meet the service needs of this population.

National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence

National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence is dedicated to helping society recognize and end domestic violence in Latino/Hispanic communities by promoting education, dialogue, public awareness, networking and advocacy. We accomplish this by advocating for positive social change in Latino/Hispanic communities by providing culturally proficient training, technical assistance, resources, education and working with men and boys.

Transforming Communities
Creating Safety and Justice for Women and Girls (TC) is a national leader in the creation of contemporary, community-based approaches to preventing violence against women and girls. By developing and implementing prevention campaigns and by disseminating best practices through trainings and publications, TC advances the prevention agenda, particularly within the domestic violence field. Drawing from the experience of effective social movements and the public health model of prevention, TC fosters sustainable change by building community ownership, promoting individual transformation, and fundamentally shifting the social norms that condone or support violence against women.

Communities United Against Violence
Founded in 1979, CUAV is the nation’s first LGBTQQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) anti-violence organization. Our mission is to prevent and respond to violence against and within our diverse LGBTQQ communities. We accomplish this through peer-based counseling, direct assistance, education and outreach, grassroots organizing, and policy advocacy.

California Partnership to End Domestic Violence
The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence is a catalyst and advocate for social change through innovative solutions to ensure safety and justice for victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children. CPEDV is a statewide membership-based coalition with a 25-year history providing a united voice for over 200 California organizations and individual advocates working to end domestic violence at local, state and national levels.

National Coalition on Domestic Violence
The Mission of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) is to organize for collective power by advancing transformative work, thinking and leadership of communities and individuals working to end the violence in our lives. NCADV’s work includes coalition building at the local, state, regional and national levels; support for the provision of community-based, non-violent alternatives – such as safe home and shelter programs – for battered women and their children; public education and technical assistance; policy development and innovative legislation; focus on the leadership of NCADV’s caucuses developed to represent the concerns of organizationally under represented groups; and efforts to eradicate social conditions which contribute to violence against women and children.

Statistics & Fact Sheets

Fact sheets from Family Violence Prevention Fund

Fact sheets from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Book reading list

Battered Women – Basic Material on Battered Women

Title: Battered Wives
Author: Del Martin
Publisher: Pocket Books (1976)

Title: The Battered Woman
Author: Lenore E. Walker
Publisher: Harper & Row (1980)

Title: It Could Happen to Anyone: Why Battered Women Stay
Author: Ola W. Barnett & Alyce D. La Violette
Publisher: Sage Publications (1993)

Title: Next Time, She’ll Be Dead: Battering and How to Stop It
Author: Ann Jones
Publisher: Beacon Press (1994)

Title: The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize It and How to Respond
Author: Patricia Evans
Publisher: Bob Adams, Inc (1992)

Title: Domestic Violence Survival Guide
Author: Cliff Mariani
Publisher: Looseleaf Law Publications (1996)

Battered Women – Material by and for Battered Women

Title: I, Tina
Author: Tina Turner

Title: The Battered Woman’s Survival Guide: Breaking the Cycle
Author: Jan Berliner Statman
Publisher: Taylor Publishing Company (1990)

Title: Called To Account
Author: M’Liss Switzer & Katherine Hale
Publisher: Seal Press (1987)

Title: Chain, Chain Change – For Black Women Dealing With Physical and Emotional Abuse
Author: Evelyn C. White
Publisher: Seal Press (1985)

Title: Encouragement’s for the Emotionally Abused Woman
Author: Beverly Engle
Publisher: Lowell House (1993)

Title: Getting Free: A Handbook for Women in Abusive Relationships
Author: Ginny NiCarthy
Publisher: Seal Press (1982)

Title: A Journey Through Domestic Violence: Every Eighteen Seconds
Author: Nancy Kilgore
Publisher: Volcano Press (1992)

Title: Mejor Sola Que Mal Acompanada
Author: Myrna M. Zambrano
Pubilsher: Seal Press (1985)

Title: The Ones Who Got Away: Women Who Left Abusive Partners
Author: Ginny NiCarthy
Publisher: Seal Press (1990)

Title: Violent Voices: Twelve Steps to Freedom from Emotional and Verbal Abuse
Author: Kay Marie Porterfield
Publisher: Health Communications (1989)

Title: Struggle For Intimacy
Author: Janet Wsititz
Publisher: Health Communications (1985)

Title: The Verbally Abusive Relatiohship: How to Recognize It and How to Respond
Author: Patricia Evans
Publisher: Adams Media Corporation (1985)

Title: Trauma and Recovery
Author: Judith Herman
Publisher: Basic Books (1992)

Title: When Love Goes Wrong: What to Do With You Can’t Do Anything Right: Strategies for Women With Controlling Partners
Author: Ann Jones and Susan Schechter
Publisher: Harper Perennial (1992)

Title: You Are Not Alone: A Guide For Battered Women
Author: Linda P. Rouse
Publisher: Learning Publication (1982)

Children and Family

Title: Dating Violence: Young Women in Danger
Author: Barrie Levy

Title: Boys will be Boys: Breaking the Link between Masculinity and Violence
Author: Myiam Miedzian

Title: Big World, Small Screen: The Role of Television in America Society
Author: Aletha C. Huston

Title: Children of Battered Women
Author: Peter G. Jaffee

Title: To Be An Anchor in the Storm A Guide for Families and Friends of Abused Women
Author: Susan Brewster

Batterers – Basic Material on Batterers

Title: Man Against Woman: What Every Woman Should Know About Violent Men
Author: Edward W. Gondolf
Publisher TAB Books (1989)

Title: Violent No More Helping Men End Domestic Abuse
Author: Michael Paymar

Battered Women – Other Resources

Title: The Dance of Anger
Author: Harriet Learner

Title: The Gift of Fear
Author: Gavin deBecker

Title: Keepin the Faith
Author: Maria Fortune

Title: Self Esteem Author: Jean Clarke

Title: The Woman Who Walked into Door
Author: Roddy Doyle

Title: Black and Blue
Author: Anna Quindlan

Title: Domestic Tyranny
Author: Elizabeth Pleck

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